Rock For Life: Saving Lives Through The Love of Music –

Give the devil an inch and he’ll be the ruler and evil will always prevail when good men fail to act. And one of the prime examples of evil is the failing Medical Coverage System for needy individuals who suffer from a life threatening disease. With that being said, the fact is good men in today’s age of selfishness are far, few and in between especially among the less fortunate. But I’d have to say Matt Ferrante and Steve Craven are good men who have surrounded themselves with others of the same stature as their own to form a wonderful organization called, Rock For Life.

Matt Ferrante (far left) and Steve Craven (far right) along with Abby Bowser one of the many people Rock For Life has helped over the organization’s fifteen year existence.


Rock For Life is a concept of Craven’s and Ferrante’s that started fifteen years ago and began as an all-ages all day event featuring several music acts in hopes of raising money to help an unfortunate man with cancer. Since the organizations conception not only has the event moved to a two day festival with camping, food and other vendors at the Iselin Ballfield in Indiana County, Pennsylvania, which the Rock For Life Organization has since purchased. But it has expanded into several other shows at Iselin including Gigaroo and Roctoberfest as well as shows they put on throughout Western Pennsylvania at other venues.

John “American Hilljack” Lane performing with Jagged-Fell at Iselin Ballfield on the Rock For Life stage for Gigaroo 2012.

A flyer Rocktober XI 2014.

A flyer for 2014’s Rock For Life 15


It is the mission of Rock for Life to provide financial support to needy individuals residing in Western PA who are suffering from life threatening diseases. Rock for Life sponsors music festivals and other music-related and general fundraising events to raise the monies necessary to support its purpose.

Recipient(s) of support will be determined annually, utilizing selection criteria guidelines as adopted by the Directors. Financial support may be provided to a needy individual or a non-profit organization that supports the mission of Rock for Life.

Fred Ulmer owner of F.U. Entertainment (far left), Steve Craven (top center) and Matt Ferrante (far right).

With the addition of F.U. Entertainment owned by Fred Ulmer and support from the Pa Rock Show owned and broadcast by Bill Domiano. Rock For Life has grown from an organization that was only known in Western Pennsylvania to a well respected nation wide recognizable charity. For more information on Rock For Life or how to donate your time or money, go to .

John Lane is an Akron‐based singer/songwriter. He is currently going to school to become a broadcaster and can be heard on his own online radio shows on “The Hilljack House” Tuesdays 6 – 8pm on The North Coast Underground (  He is the singer for the Hellfire Club.  Connect with him on Facebook
(, Twitter (@AmHilljack)

1 comment on “Rock For Life: Saving Lives Through The Love of Music –

  1. Thanks for the submission, John Lane!

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