- You must have MIXXX installed and already setup to stream. MIXXX can be download it here: https://www.mixxx.org
- VB-Virtual Audio cable can be downloaded here: https://vb-audio.com/Cable/
- You must have a Google Voice account. Google Voice is located here: https://voice.google.com/
- Download and install MIXXX if you have not already done that.
- Download and install VB-Virtual Cable.
- make sure to restart your computer after this step.
- Go to Google Voice and set your microphone, ringing, speaker devices.
- The Microphone device should be set to the same device that you are using in MIXXX.
- Ringing and Speaker Should be set to Cable Input (VB-Audio Virtual)
- Open MIXXX and go to Options -> Preferences -> Audio Hardware.
- Make sure you Microphone 1 setting is the same as the Microphone that you selected in Google Voice.
- Set Auxilary 1 to Cable Output (VB-Audio Virtual)
- Click ok to save your new settings.
- On your main MIXXX screen in the Auxilary 1 section, make sure to toggle the headphones on so that you can monitor your Google Voice call in your headphones.