
Facebook Promotion in W. PA. –

We understand the need to promote your events and band news on social media. We thought we’d share the places that we normally share our posts. Please feel free to join them and start promoting! the Pennsylvania Rock Show Western Pennsylvania Local Music Scene Support Local Music (Pittsburgh) Butler Music Scene Local PA Musicians Musician…

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Chip DiMonick: The Pros & Cons of Opening for National Acts –

As musicians, I think we all dream of those moments when we get to “share the stage” with our musical heroes.  For some musicians, that dream never materializes.  For others, it is a possibility and, eventually, a reality. Today, when national acts tour the “club circuit” consisting of venues usually with a capacity that doesn’t exceed 700, local bands are…

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Need a website for your band on a budget? –

After 7 years, this article has been updated. Please read the updated version here: There are always paths to your goal. Ultimately I suggest finding someone who does design websites (being one of those people), but you can get a website for your band for completely free if you follow these tips. If this…

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