The Rock for Life outdoor shows are just around the corner. This scene main stay has been providing support to sick children since 2000. Have you been to one of their shows?
It is the mission of Rock for Life to provide financial support to needy individuals residing in Western PA who are suffering from life threatening diseases. Rock for Life sponsors music festivals and other music-related and general fundraising events to raise the monies necessary to support its purpose.
While people on the outside see this as a rock concert, I and the people involved in it, see it for what it is. A family of musicians that not only love to play the shows, but do their best to support the children and families that the shows are put on for. It doesn’t end and the concerts. Band members visit the kids in the hospital, go to graduation parties and birthday parties, make prom wishes come true, and are some of the most loving people that you will meet.
Recipient(s) of support will be determined annually, utilizing selection criteria guidelines as adopted by the Directors. Financial support may be provided to a needy individual or a non-profit organization that supports the mission of Rock for Life.
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