Some of the awesome photography, that I’m sure you’ve noticed, on buildthescene.com and buildthescene.com were NOT taken by me. I know what you’re thinking.. wait what?!?
Concert Photography
In recent years, a concert photographer has emerged in the South Western Pennsylvania Music scene. Her name is Reina Peli and she does amazing work. From concert photography and band sessions to cover art and logos, your band needs to contact her! While social media and cell phones can help bands get their presence felt, bands need to have professional photos for their press kits & online presence. In today’s music scene and business, image is just as important as your ability to master your craft and that’s where Reina is your savior.
OK, now what?
In recent times I have posted some how-tos for your websites such as how to select your web hosting and how to create a website for you band while on a budget. Here is an article that you should check out from Band Zoogle telling you how you should use photography on your website and why you should hire a professional photographer: 8 Ways you Should be Using Photos on Your Band Website and here is another one to help you prepare for a band photo shoot: The Definitive Survival Guide for Band and Musician Photo Shoots. Here are 11 more tips for band photography.
Here is where you can find Reina:
Reina Peli