Saturday November 12, 2016 – Leechburg Moose 102 Market St. Leechburg, PA 15656
7:30 Amber Alexis
8:30 Tilted Shadows
9:30 Terachain Sky
10:30 The Hellfire Club
11:30 After the Fall
$5 Members/$10 Qualified Guests
Benefits Rock for Life
About our Anniversary Shows
The Pennsylvania Rock Show began on September 14, 2004. On September 29, 2012 we had our first anniversary concert. The concert was a benefit show for one of Bill’s students who is in need of a liver transplant. All money that was made that day was directly donated to her. Starting in 2013, the anniversary shows began donating all money that comes through the door to Rock for Life, Inc. It is the mission of Rock for Life to provide financial support to needy individuals residing in Western PA who are suffering from life threatening diseases. Rock for Life sponsors music festivals and other music-related and general fundraising events to raise the monies necessary to support its purpose. Recipient(s) of support will be determined annually, utilizing selection criteria guidelines as adopted by the Directors. Financial support may be provided to a needy individual or a non-profit organization that supports the mission of Rock for Life.
Please join us on November 12, 2016 at the Leechburg Moose to help us celebrate 12+ years of the Pennsylvania Rock Show and AK Music Scene.