Mixcloud: Rock for Life PARS344 Charts! – AKMusicScene.com

May’s the  Pennsylvania Rock Show Podcast Episode “Rock for Life” has charted at #44 on the Metal charts at Mixcloud!

mixcloudIn this episode, Bill sits down with Matt Ferrante, co-founding member of the Rock for life Concert Series, to discuss the history of the show and how it has evolved over the years into a concert series. They discuss topics such as: how a recipient is picked, what people can do to help out, how bands can play the shows, & upcoming shows. Matt also let’s everyone know the costs of both the indoor and outdoor shows, as well as, what a qualified guest means. All in all, this is a very informative discussion about the Rock for life organization and concert series.

It is the mission of Rock for Life to provide financial support to needy individuals residing in Western PA who are suffering from life threatening diseases. Rock for Life sponsors music festivals and other music-related and general fundraising events to raise the monies necessary to support its purpose.