Jeff Defalco – Local Spotlight –

AKMS: You’ve been a main stay on the local music scene for quite some time. What would you say has been the biggest change in our music scene during that span?

Jeff: I really don’t think a lot has changed over time other than.. maybe a lot of the older clubs that were around are no longer around. New ones seem to be popping up all the time. Music is music! It just keeps rolling on!

AKMS: What venue that you’ve played is your favorite, and why?

Jeff: I dont really have a favorite. When the place is rockin’ and full of energy ..that would be my favorite at that time! We have played Heinz Field for the Steelers games quite a bit! Those are really cool.. And we got to play at the Penguins Winter Classic a few years ago…

AKMS: What about your music career are you most proud of, and why?

Photo Courtesy of Reina Peli -

Photo Courtesy of Reina Peli –

Jeff: probably that ive been able to do this non stop for over 30 years…..and its so awesome of a feeling to be able to play with your own kid!…. He is a drumming beast!.

AKMS: You currently play in Glitz, Rockness Monsters, and Thieves. Can you give a brief description of what someone new to these bands might expect to see at one of their shows?

Jeff: GLITZ is 100% hair metal. We pride ourselves on sticking to that for the last 13 plus years. The sound and light show is super cool, too. We try to make it seem like 1985 all over again… that’s what GLITZ is about.

ROCKNESS MONSTERS is more or less heavier alternative. More on the 105.9 the X side of things. We do a lot of our own twist on a lot of songs. We call it MONSTERIZE (ha) We cover a lot of ground and eras!

THIEVES is an acoustic band. Mostly classic tunes. We do mix it up pretty good with the song selection. We are big on the 3 part harmony thing.

AKMS: Hendrix, Eddie, or some other guitar god?

Jeff: Guitar god?… My favorites are George Lynch, Randy Rhoads & David Gilmour. And acoustically would be Michael Hedges and Steven Stills.

AKMS: You teach guitar in the valley, what advice would you give a kid starting out on guitar with dreams of being on stage?

Jeff:  Advice? Well, to be on stage in a working band takes years to acomplish to be successful at it. Its like a marriage, if its meant to be.. It will,  But more importantly would be that since I’ve been a teacher for many many years now, my advice would be to practice a lot!!!!!  And try to get better every day! And make it fun! Because if you don’t, you probably won’t be doing it for long… And the best advice I’d give would be never be in competition with other players to see who is best!  Just be your best! Thats your biggest competition!

AKMS: What embarrassing songs might we find on your phone or MP3 player?

Jeff: My ipod has so many songs that are on there because my students want me to teach them how to play certain songs. Justin Beiber! (haa) Lady Gaga… Katie Perry…(ugh)

AKMS: Sticking with embarrassing things, have you ever had an embarrassing moment on stage?

Jeff: The most embarrassing!…got it! When Brandon (my son) played his first GLITZ gig, first song of the night, my mind was racing. To make sure everything went off without hitch … Well, not paying attention to my own self, I grabbed the wrong guitar, which was in a different tuning than the one I was supposed to be using! We started rockin’ out and had to stop about 15 seconds into the show! All because of me!.. haaa…ya… A little embarrassing, I’d say… I wanted to hide!

Please list websites or contact info for all 3 bands:

Please list upcoming shows for all 3 bands:

  • GLITZ at Blue Haven this Saturday, March 7, 2015
  • THIEVES at Falcon’s in Ford City on March 20, 2015
  • ROCKNESS at Blue Haven on march 28, 2015